We present Ranktracker all-in-one platform for effective SEO We have finally opened registration to Ranktracker completely free of charge! CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT Or sign in using your credentials Create specific web pages( Image Source ) 10. Other necessary elements If you're new to the podcast game, the tips and tricks above will be a great start to boosting your podcast SEO score. However, if you are a podcast native, you may benefit from using and/or knowing other advanced elements and podcast SEO tips: Using schema markup and structured data . Schema markup and structured data show search engines that your website is well-formed and contains relevant information.
Doing this will help you get noticed faster and may even cause search engines to use your content as snippets. Make your website mobile compatible . Easy accessibility is SEO (podcast or otherwise) 101. Since most people use mobile phones to listen to podcasts, it makes sense to make sites Hong Kong Phone Number Data mobile-friendly. Fixing errors and improving website speed . If you're creating custom web pages for your podcasts, make sure they load quickly by removing unnecessary plugins, errors, and redirects. Adding your podcasts to the necessary directories . Adding your podcast name to a popular podcast directory builds credibility and trust and allows others to add backlinks to your podcasts. Alternatively, you can create an RSS feed for your podcasts.
Using pop-ups and messages/emails to engage with your subscribers . While this isn't entirely SEO related, sending thank you and welcome messages/emails to your subscribers helps build a relationship with them (and an email list), ultimately increasing the chances of your podcast audience converting into regular listeners. Increase your SEO score with Ranktracker While these strategies can help you improve your SEO score, we want to share another resource that could be a game changer for SEO, and that's us, Ranktracker. For as little as $19 per month , you can use our comprehensive list of SEO tools including keyword finder, rank tracker, backlink checker, SERP checker, SEO checklist and web audit; all of which will help you analyze your hidden gaps, see the error of your ways, and show you areas for improvement. However, we understand that you may be hesitant at first. In this case, might we suggest you opt for a free trial of Ranktracker to check the product offering for yourself ?