Either the user doesn't click on your ad at all - then at least there are no costs for you, but your click rate drops - or they click on the ad but leave your site again after a short time because they realize that they don't have any Find tips for hanging your canvas. Besides, he already owns a photo canvas and wasn't a potential customer to begin with. Adwords-what if The solution is either to regularly access the Search Queries report and add irrelevant search queries as negative keywords or to use narrower keyword options from the start.
For example, you could include [order photo canvas online] as an exact keyword in India Car Owner Phone Number List your example ad group. This will cost you more time when creating your keyword list, but you will reduce the risk of being featured in irrelevant search queries. If you also want to be found for a search query like “order photo canvas cheaply online”, but you don’t have the time or opportunity to consider all the variants, or some of these variants have a search volume that is too low to trigger an ad, you can use this broad modifiers work. For example, you could book [+photo canvas +order].
Now your ad would also appear under “Order photo canvas cheaply online” because the modifier requires these terms (or very similar variants) to be included in the search query. However, unlike the matching word group, the order does not matter. At this point I could write a lot more about it, but that would go beyond the scope of this blog post. However, there will be a separate article about this in the future. Until then, you can find a lot of information about keyword options in the Google Support Center . I also recommend this article from traffic3 to you.